Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Special Issue of Innovations Journal

There's a new issue of Innovations Journal that was prepared for the World Economic Forum titled Social Innovation in a Post-Crisis World. Here's the press release (HT). The journal is not yet available online but will be shortly. I'll say more about some of the articles then. From the introduction:

"We are, right now, in the midst of a global shift of epic proportions. Not only is change occurring--as it always has--it is occurring with greater volatility, and greater reach, than ever before. As a consequence of the wrenching turn taken by the global economic system in the past six months, millions of the world's citizens may descend, or return, into poverty--an alarming reversal in the progress made over the past quarter century in advancing the human condition.

"This collection of readings has been produced with one goal: to introduce into the conversation components of a new language to describe the challenges ahead, and to offer for your use the rough cut of a new lens through which you may perceive elements of a solution. The language centers on the words 'social innovation'; the lens is designed to help us all perceive the mechanisms of resilience in times of disruptive change."

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